Northern Ethiopia continues to be in crisis mode.  Our projects in Lalibela, near the Tigray region, have been put on hold while we continue to provide funds for food to several hundred residents and refugees.  There is no electricity.  The cease fire achieved in May has collapsed. This was received from our helper, Desiye:  Between the governing body and the TPLF terrorist team, fighting is back and attack is from three directions. 

In the area where we work, no other aid organization is operating.  We are it....

From an independent source:  The Ethiopian government blocked a declaration of famine in its Tigray region, according to Mark Lowcock, the former United Nations undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator.

Skirting around a declaration: Before he left office, Lowcock said that “there is famine now” in the war-torn region, even though the U.N. put out a statement that didn’t go as far — saying people were “on the brink” and at “risk” of a “looming famine.”

Absent a declaration, the aid sector has used phrasing such as “famine-like conditions."

This also from Desiye

"I transferred the Harambee funds for  the orphanages and all of them are tremendously delighted and they convey their warmest gratitude.  There is nothing joys than seeing such cheerful facial expressions.  I have observed improvement in different aspects, such as mentally, physically, and educational changes.  Especially the little kids grown fast, showing visible change.  God answered their prayers by giving them generous families in the U.S. Your kindness, encouragement, and compassion will be remained eternally.

Your help brings some joy and hope.  In truth, people here are dying of hunger, and the government does no effort to help. We have no proper words to thank you.  Only God can."


So.  We can't save the world.  But you are bringing the light of hope, and life (literally) to many.  And one drop in the bucket is better than no drop in the bucket.  This goodness, this sharing, keeps me going every day.  Every day I remember:  "I am you and you are me, and what have we done to each other?"

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