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Humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia: "I am you & you are I, & what have we done to each other?"

We can name names.  We can show you pictures of those who have fled war & endured unfathomable loss.  They are not strangers to us, but our brothers and sisters.  They have come to Lalibela, beset with its own problems caused by the covid shutdown of the economy.  We already are feeding 250 children & their families.  They were starving before we were able to send donations to help them.  Fortunately, we have 3 trustworthy Ethiopian friends who are administering our food/education program.

But today, a message from our friend, Desiye, in Lalibela.

"This is killing me...."
This is killing us, too...and we don’t have to stand face to face with this grieving father, begging for food so that his children don’t starve.
Further from Desiye:
"I asked them where they came from. They came from the region of Tigray but they are originally Amhara. and i found them begging on the street. and it was very heartbreaking. War is terrible. And when I asked the wife why she didn't come with them, he answer to me was very sad. He told me that he wife had been killed with many Amharas peoples who they been live Tigray.
"Let's put their slain souls in paradise! May God heal the wounded quickly. May all of you pray for the return of our country to peace!"
There are more than 3,000 newly displaced people in Lalibela and around. They've lost everything, including dear ones.
The civil unrest in Ethiopia has had dire results for the poorest in the area. Resources are already stretched to the limit. Refugees have come because, well, quite literally, there is no where else safe to go. The stories are heartbreaking. These innocent children and many others like them have seen too much death and destruction in their young lives. We have to help them. Anything less breaks our hearts.
If you are at all able to join us in getting food to the refugees in Lalibela, now is the crucial time. You will save lives! Every cent goes to the people who most need it. We are a registered 501c3, so your donation is tax deductible. AND...join us in our journey there later this year. Meet them face to face. You will love them, and they will love you. It's less difficult & less expensive than you might imagine. Contact us for more information.
Image icon refugees in Lalibela93.76 KB

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